Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

World Thinking Day 2023

This day is celebrated each year on 22nd February by tens of thousands of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world.

This is a day for remembering all sisters in Guiding and for thinking about the issues affecting them and our global community.

To support this day at Fulbridge, on Wednesday 22nd February any children who are members of Rainbows/Brownies/Guides, may wear their uniform to school if they wish.

We asked the children what the best thing about being a Rainbow, Brownie, or Badger was......

" You get the make things."
"I learn first aid so I could save someone's life."
"You support the community."
"You can make birds and help each other."
"Everyone helps you and we help each other."
"I can get lots of badges."