Parent/Carer Information
Payments and Communication
Please be aware that we DO NOT ACCEPT CASH in school, we are now operating a cashless system using the MCAS app (My Child At School). Payments for dinner, uniform, trips etc will need to be made using this app. This app will also be used to send letters, reminders and updates.
To sign up for the MCAS app please follow the link:
We use ClassDojo for each year group. This is a private group that we will use to post photos, videos and information about your children's learning and behaviour.
If you are new to our school you will be given instructions on how to set this up for your child's/ren's year group.
This is a great way to communicate with parents/carers and share all the learning with you at home.
Fulbridge Facebook Page
We also use Facebook to send out reminders and share whole school information.
Please follow us so you don't miss anything.
Click on the Facebook logo above to visit our page.
Leave of Absence Request Form
Please click on the image below to view Google form link :
Permission for Leaving School Site Alone
If you would like your child to leave the school site alone at the end of the school day or after school club you must complete a permission form.
Please select the relevant form below and return this back to school.
Leaving School Site Alone Permission
After School Club (Paid) Leaving School Site Alone Permission
School opening hours 7:45am - 4:00pm
Drop off and Pick Up Times
Arrival times:
All children should arrive at or before 8:30am.
The school timings are as follows:
Year Group |
Monday - Thursday |
Friday |
Reception and Year 1 | 8:30am - 3:15pm | 8:30am - 2:00pm |
Year 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 | 8:30am - 3:20pm | 8:30am - 2:05pm |
Please DO NOT hang around at the start or the end of the school day. We want to keep the playgrounds as quiet and clear as possible.
Thank you.
Bikes and Scooters
We encourage children to either walk to school or go on their bike or scooter. We have a bike store on both sites. Please ensure that you lock your child's bike/scooter. Fulbridge Academy takes no responsibility for any loss or damage to bikes/scooters.
Where do I drop off and collect my child
School Day Timings
The school is open for children from 7:45am until 5:15pm (4:15pm on Fridays).
The school day starts from 8:30am until 3:15pm/3:20pm
Children can attend from 7:45am for breakfast club and stay in our After School Club until 5:15pm (Fridays 4:15pm)
Children who miss the morning or the afternoon register will receive a late mark. We encourage the children to be punctual so as to ensure a happy start to the day as well as no learning time missed. Absence and lateness are reviewed on a regular basis by Mrs Delegate, our Attendance Officer, who may visit families where attendance is poor or you may be called in for an attendance meeting. Our best learners attend every day and are on time!
Please make sure you are on time to collect your child/ren. If you are going to be late then please make sure you ring the school office to notify them.
If your child is ill or absent for other reasons, please ring the school before 8:45 in the morning so that registers will be marked appropriately. If you fail to do so you will be called by our attendance officer. The telephone number is 01733 566990.
Here is some useful guidance if your child is unwell:
Holiday Absence
Any leave of absence during term time will not be authorised. In exceptional/unavoidable circumstances, the Principal may authorise a request once a leave of absence form has been submitted. This form can be downloaded here or the link above:
Medicines in School
We understand that your child may need to take long term and temporary medication. If your child requires medication within school hours please see the school office or your child's teacher. Please may ask you to be mindful and administer medication at home. The school will not give medication (prescription or non-prescription) without a parent/carers written or verbal consent except in exceptional circumstances. All medication administered is recorded. Please seek advice from you doctor if you are unsure.
Safeguarding Children
At Fulbridge the health, safety and well-being of all the children in our care are of paramount importance. We respect our children. They have the right to protection, regardless of age, gender, race, culture or disability nd a right to be safe in school.
We ensure that all staff in school are clear about the actions necessary with regard to any safeguarding issues.
Throughout the year, our children go on many interesting and exciting visits. We take advantage of our local community and surrounding areas. When your child starts school we ask you to sign a general consent form for these. We always send you a letter when visits by bus, train, or minibus are taking place and ask you to complete and return a permission slip.
Charging for visits
The governors' policy on charging is to ask for a voluntary contribution from parents/carers for school trips. However, if we do not receive enough support the trip will not go ahead. Whenever possible we will engage in fundraising activities to support visits.
Mobile, telephone numbers and email addresses
Please make sure that the school has your up to date contact details as we send messages to parents/carers to inform them of various school events and information. We will also use these details if we need to contact you in an emergency.
You can update this information directly using the MCAS app or by visiting the main school office.
It is very important that this information is kept up to date so if you change your details please let the office know immediately.
A polite and friendly reminder regarding birthday treats in school:
Key Information After Admission
Reception 1 and Year 1
Years 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
NUMBOTS and Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) Expectations
Please see the flyers below for guidance and expectations.