Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust


The whole school is divided into 4 Houses.

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       Dyden                        Keeton                Shakespeare             Wilberforce

Children can earn tokens for showing behaviour that is better than the ordinary. 

Tokens can also be earned for a whole class achievement:

All in PE kit on PE day (1 token for class)

100% attendance at 8:40am (3 tokens for class).

Pupils can earn tokens for exceptional effort (gold star is worth 5 House Points) this is mainly awarded to children from  a Phase Leader, Assistant Principal, Vice Principal or the Principal.

Weekly House competitions take place on Friday's. The winning House will receive extra tokens.

At the end of each block, the House with the most tokens will receive a whole class reward. The token jars are then emptied ready to start a new block.

Sports  jars are then day : The children will compete in their 'Houses'. 

Celebrating Success

Commendations Postcards
These are our commendation postcards and are very special. If a child has demonstrated an area of our Active Learning in an exceptional way they are awarded with a commendation postcard by the adults in their class.

A senior leader in school will share and award the postcard with the children on Friday in class for reception and in assembly for other year groups. The commendation is then posted home so that parents, carers and family members can see how well their child is doing at school.

The child who received the postcard will be celebrated on their year group commendation display board for everyone to see.

One person in each class will receive a postcard each week.
I wonder who will receive it this week!