Home Learning

Naturally, the challenge with online learning is the inability to see people's reactions and their work in the moment, and thus to change the pace of learning and depth of explanation to suit the task and the children. For this reason, it is important to give the learner the ability to change the pace of the learning to suit their needs. For this reason succinct, clear videos provide a far better means of communication as learners can pause and re-watch any element that they require. Assuming this is accompanied by rich tasks (including some open-ended, investigative elements), a 5-10 minute video can provide a fuller learning experience than an hour of live video teaching. This is especially true if the learner can feedback the work they have done to the teacher to inform the videos for the following day. 

If in the event that your child will need self isolation for a period of time your child will need access to learning from home. 


You will need to access the Oak Academy website


A member of staff will be in contact with you soon after you have informed us that your child is isolating to give some direction in the learning that can be done. You may receive slides of the learning that is taking place in the classroom (this will be a range of subjects).


When the class bubble is closed on the 1st day you will go online to Oak Academy. 

From the 2nd day of the class being at home the class teacher will provide a Google Meet link to be done in the morning to all children in the class. The children will sign onto the video call using the parents email that we have on file at school. During this hangout the teacher can go through the learning for that day.  There will also be another Google link meet done in the afternoon.


There will be two Google Meet to be done each day. Any child that does not log into the Google Meet, the teacher or the teaching assistant will phone them and go through the learning with them. This will be repeated everyday during the isolation period. The content of the Google Meet and phone conversation will be around the learning that is to be done that day, or the learning done previously. 

If you don’t have access to the internet then please let us know and we can arrange other resources for you. 

It goes without saying that hearing your child reading and getting them to read as much as possible  is always good, so please do as much of this as possible. 

If you have any questions regarding the home learning that your child is doing then please get in touch with us and we can support further.

Please find letters below with details and the timetable regarding home learning starting on Monday 11th January 2021.

We have ensured that Key Stage 1 will receive 3 hours of home learning per day and Key Stage 2 will receive 4 hours of home learning per day, as per Government guidelines.



Year 1 and 2

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6