Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

School/Parent Communications - Class Dojo

We will now be using Class Dojo for class communication to parents/carers.

Previously we have used Facebook pages to show parents, carers and families what the children are doing in school. We will now use 'ClassDojo'.

Class Dojo is a private group that we will use to post photos, videos and information about the children's learning. As it is a private group, parents will be invited to join the group. The content posted is not visible to the public.

If you have previously declined the parental permission for your child to be photographed, they will not appear on Class Dojo. If you would like to change this permission please contact the school office.

Class Dojo will be set up the same way as Facebook and each year group will be labelled as the year your child started school. For example, our current Reception year group is called 'Est. 2022'. This label will follow them throughout their time with us at Fulbridge.

Please follow the link to set up your child’s ClassDojo:

We will be keeping our main school Facebook page, 'Fulbridge Academy’ active for our whole school information.

Please note that whilst there is a message button on the ClassDojo app any messages sent are not monitored and will not be responded to.

Please continue to communicate with school by phone, email, or classroom teams in person at your child's classroom.

If you require any help with ClassDojo we are offering drop-in sessions for the next three days in the main reception. Times are 8:00am and 3:00pm only.

We hope that you will enjoy seeing what the children are achieving at school and enjoy using the “ClassDojo”.

Thank you.